Here at Clockwork we came up with five useful ways to have a productive morning.
- The night before your next work day, prepare your outfit for the following day so that it’s one less thing on your morning to-do list.
- Wake up at least an hour and a half before needing to start your day. This action will allow your body to wake up fully and start your day wide awake.
- Always make your bed. When you do this, you start your day with a win. Even if you have a not so good day, you will come back home to a made bed. You start with a win and end with a win.
- Get a good workout in to get your blood pumping. A good workout releases endorphins and clears your mind of any negativity, allowing you to start your day off on the right foot.
- Last but certainly not least, eat a good breakfast. This will allow your body to be fueled for whatever obstacles you may face.